What is InnoTechPreneurship and why do we need it?

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We live in challenging organizational times, in a constantly changing context. Organizations' employees must be increasingly ready to drive the innovation that these times require and find new solutions to the complex challenges they encounter. It is vital, in this context and regardless of the sector of activity, to understand the intersection between innovation, technology and entrepreneurship.

It is precisely from this creative and intentional fusion between innovation, technology and entrepreneurship that the InnoTechPreneurship concept emerges. More than an apparent trend or fashion, this concept has a very relevant and timely meaning, which allows Organizations to be equipped with practices and people that can respond to the challenges they encounter or even create new opportunities. These people are the InnoTechPreneurs!

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And who are these InnoTechPreneurs? We can identify some points that characterize your profile and approach:

  • They present and continually develop an entrepreneurial and growth mindset, focusing on essential skills, such as creativity, leadership, communication and teamwork;
  • They recognize the potential of individual self-awareness, and also of purposeful and inclusive leadership for multidisciplinary teams;
  • They analyze the market context, identifying challenges and opportunities for innovation;
  • They explore co-creation strategies, based on collective intelligence and bio-inspiration practices, to stimulate the generation of innovative ideas;
  • They have knowledge of models and methodologies for creating, validating and implementing innovative ideas;
  • They develop a human-centered approach, applying creative techniques to create value for different stakeholders (customers, users and others).

Have you reviewed any of these points? Do you recognize the importance of this approach in your professional life, whether because you are an executive in an Organization or because you are an entrepreneur and manage your own business?

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InnoTechPreneur has this way of being: it recognizes and stimulates the potential of creativity (and other soft skills) to drive innovation and growth in businesses and organizations.

Organizations need InnoTechPreneurs. And InnoTechPreneurship is a practice that should be integrated into the day-to-day life of Organizations, as only then can there be, in a sustained way, this point of creative convergence between Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship.

Do you already recognize yourself as an InnoTechPreneur? Or do you aspire to become?

Rita Pelica
Innerpreneur, netweaver & curious mind with the mission to help executives & teams to be more entrepreneurial, playful & conscious, through training, facilitation and mentoring. HR...